Indianapolis Chimney Services

THE CHIMNEY: One of the most neglected and misunderstood parts of your home.
One of the myths that homeowners believe about their chimney is: "it is just brick and mortar in there, so what could go wrong?". The truth is, the NFPA (National Fire Protection Association) recommends annual sweepings and inspections of residential chimneys simply because lots of things can go wrong when your chimney is neglected. Another myth that homeowners adhere to is: "the home inspector "passed" the chimney, so it HAS to be safe, right?"
WRONG. While even the most expert home inspectors have a general understanding of different areas of the home, they often dont receive specific training with regard to chimneys, flues and fireplaces. AND they carry NO LIABILITY for whatever they dont find, even if the fireplace system is later determined (by a chimney professional like Guardian Chimney Service) to be defective.
If it has been more than a year since the last sweeping or inspection;
If you are new to the home and have no maintenance records on the fireplace and flue;
If you havent used your fireplace in a long time and you are unsure about how to get it operational again- CALL GUARDIAN CHIMNEY SERVICE!
One call can answer all of your questions and concerns! When you call Guardian, you will receive prompt, expert advice and answers to your questions. You will also receive SET PRICING over the phone for sweepings and other services! Our Chimney sweepings come COMPLETE with DUST-FREE chimney and fireplace sweeping; Level 1 inspection (which gives you a good idea of the general health of the chimney and fireplace); and you get a copy of the service report to keep for your records.
Call Guardian Chimney Service TODAY and start giving your fireplace and chimney the attention they need, so that you can enjoy one of the most comfy, coziest parts of your home, with peace of mind!
Health Benefits and Energy Savings
A chimney (and Dryer Vent) that is well-maintained adds lasting value to your property, as well as helping you and your family have peace of mind about the safety and functionality of your fireplace. During the rainy spring months, some homeowners report a "sour, smoky smell" emanating from their fireplace. And they also mention that it aggravates allergy sufferers during an already pollen-rich, allergy triggering time of year.
- The Cause: Most often, a dirty chimney is the root of the problem.
- The Solution: Guardian Chimney Service's "Premium Chimney and Flue Clean Sweep and Odor Resolution".
This can require an additional step or two to remove the stubborn "stage 2 or 3 Creosote" with an application of "Creosote Neutralizer" and "Odor Eliminator". This is a little more expensive than a simple chimney sweep, but is well worth it to resolve the issue.
Did you know that you lose a TON of energy through a chimney doesn't have an updated, Lifetime Warranty stainless steel Chimney Cap/Damper? In the wintertime, when sweeping a chimney on a rigidly cold day, we can simply hold our hands over the flue, at the top of the chimney, to keep them warm! And that's even if the damper below is closed! Call Guardian Chimney Service today and ask about a Top Sealing Damper. In today's energy-conscious world, it will save you hundreds in heating/cooling costs, as well as providing you with a more modern, easier-to-operate damper handle -(no more getting your hands dirty while fishing around in the upper fireplace for the creosote-stained damper handle!) Call for an estimate over the phone and a free, friendly consultation with the owner of the company!
Did you know?
- That it takes as little as 1/8" of creosote to cause a chimney fire?
-That the National Fire Protection Association recommends annual sweepings and inspections of residential chimneys and vents?
-That dryer and dryer vent fires are fast-becoming some of the most common types of residential fires?
According to the Environmental Protection Agency, indoor air is typically 2 to 5 times more polluted than outdoor air. Since the average person spends up to 90% of their time indoors, getting rid of the dirt in your chimney is essential!
Contact the Indianapolis chimney cleaning experts at Guardian Chimney Service at (317) 557-0125 to keep indoor air clean and fresh!